How To Start Fighting for Good
You see injustice and discrimination and poverty and more, and you want to help but have no idea how. Maybe this can help...
The full video is at the end of the blog.
6 Step Guide to Making A Difference
1. Decide on a CAUSE
- Find a specific cause (climate change, transphobia, mental health epidemic etc)
-Narrow it down further (what is a specific issue that cause faces?)
- That's your start.
- What can you bring to the table?
-Money, time, space, supplies, artistic skills, numerical skills, public speaking skills.
- Make a list.
3. Choose your C.A.P.E*
*4 areas you can choose from to invest your time in to help your cause
Donate Money
Volunteer your time
Volunteer expertise
Work in the third sector/for a charity or NGO
Find your power- what energises you, what saps your energy etc- find value in what you can contribute.
Join movements that already exist- start local if you can.
Become a source of accurate and detailed information to help charities and political groups in their work.
Sign up to activist and advocacy e-campaign newsletter for up to date actions you can take.
Vote- from national to local elections, both general and mid-terms.
Contact officials (by phone ideally) and attend meetings in person. Regularly.
Volunteer with political organisations.
Talk to people you know and encourage friends and family to get involved.
Run for office.
Educate yourself first.
Share resources from others.
Create things yourself- be a voice others can share.
If your cause should be in schools, work with educational institutions, support organisations and charities that bring your cause into schools, and campaign to change the curriculum.
4. Make a LIST
- Work out a list of tangible things you can do and actions you can take one step at a time.
- Sort them by categories like long term/short term, or high energy/low energy. Pick them up how and when you can.
5. Work out a SCHEDULE
- Make it a habit and a regular thing.
- Create a small group of friends who want to fight too, support each other, schedule meetings.
- Make empathy a communal experience.